Archive for the ‘SEO Services’ Category

Integrated SEO: What is it & Why You Need an Integrated Marketing Plan?

February 29th, 2024

SEO Triangle: The Five Most Important Factors of SEO in 2024

February 27th, 2024

Navigating Success: 5 Best Practices for Selecting Your Ideal Shopify SEO Consultant

January 8th, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Plumbers: Boost Online Visibility

December 28th, 2023

Unlocking Success: Essential Insights into Family Law SEO You Need to Know

December 27th, 2023

What Is An SEO Company And How Can They Help Grow Your Business?

August 24th, 2023

How To Hire A Professional SEO Agency?

June 17th, 2023

What is interlinking, and how does it helps your SEO?

September 2nd, 2022

Any link that resides on one page and leads to another page of the same website is considered an Interlinks. Interlinking is a crucial component of search engine optimization that is frequently disregarded (SEO). It assists with page discoverability first and foremost. 

For Google to crawl and rank your website’s On page Seo results, internal links must inform Google which pages are on your website. Second, building internal links helps Google understand your site’s architecture—how each page of your website relates to the others—and Google gives pages with more internal links pointing to them a higher value.

In this blog post, we’ll examine What internal linking is In SEO and how does it work? And how does internal linking help SEO?

Interlinking SEO strategy is a technique to build various connections in which things are connected. For example, if a website has a travel article, then that article is linked to other articles about travel through the popular platform. Interlink is a link that goes back and forth between two pages or assets on the same webpage. (White papers, case studies, blog posts).

In theory, interlinking is a Secret feature anytime there’s a connection between two pages on the same website (as opposed to connecting one page with another site or WAP web). You can create Internal linking for SEO by adding anchor text to an existing anchor tag or creating your anchor tag and adding an internal link to it.

Interlinking has a variety of advantages:

  • Interlinking SEO gives your site more authority by creating more links from within your website. This can give you an edge over sites that link only externally.
  • Interlinking SEO helps create a network of related content on your website, making it easier for users to navigate around your site.
  • Links to more essential pages will add to that page’s authority, thereby increasing the PageRank of the linking page.
  • Links to internal pages will give the internal page more importance in the search engine rankings.
  • Sites with many internal links tend to load faster and easier for visitors.

How does internal linking help SEO?

It should be evident by this point that internal links are something to keep an eye on while planning your link-building strategy since they are essential for both end users and search engines. Internal links, in my opinion, are a fantastic and quick way to improve your SEO rankings. Let’s look at how exactly they help SEO.

Internal links help spread link equity which is the value of a website. (A backlink pointing to your website) When a blog post and other posts on your site have links, Google sees those as votes for that article or page. Google interprets this as a positive action and can give more value to that page.

Interlinking help Google establishes a contextual index:

Google is getting better and better at understanding the underlying meaning of words. The more pages are linked, the more likely Google will establish a contextual web index from that set of pages. That means when you create a link from one page to another, internal or external; Google can understand what your site is about because of this stimulus.

The spider can only crawl through a website if there are internal links on the site’s pages, so you have less work to do when making sure Google sees all of your content. This is another win for user experience and SEO internal linking —fewer wasted resources = more revenue for your business.

Search engines could use interlinking as a signal of relevance:

The increased volume of links within your site could eventually be recognized as a signal for Google to determine whether or not your website is relevant. This suggests that you should take this internal linking strategy seriously because you do not want to fall behind in the link-building game to influence search engines’ opinions about the relative importance of page pages on your website.

Internal linking creates a better user experience:

Internal links help improve the user experience. This is because the site’s layout is more streamlined, and users don’t have to leave and go to a different page whenever they want to read something new. When you start using internal linking, it will help your users get better acquainted with your website.

Internal linking is an easy way to increase traffic:

Internal links are beneficial because they help users navigate your site quickly and direct visitors from high-traffic pages to low-traffic pages. All that matters is that users find what they’re looking for, which means more traffic to your new website.

Users can find more content as you link more within your site. Users will be interested in useful, quality content. They will be more likely to click on links that lead them to more content on your site. They may include relevant keywords within those links if they are interested in reading more about a specific topic. These links represent an opportunity for increased traffic at no cost, which means Making money for you.

Internal linking could lead to higher rankings:

Internal linking can help increase your rankings because search engines like Google value your internal linking strategy. Search engines do not consider the number of external links you have but will only look at the internal link ratio. This ratio is a way to measure a sufficient number of connections for a page in terms of how many links a page has within itself.

So now that we’ve explored how internal linking helps your SEO let’s look at some strategies you can use internally. These include:

Using interlinking anchor text:

This entails taking the anchor text that you would typically use for external links (e.g., inbound links) and using those exact words for internal links. If a keyword is essential to your site, it should also be necessary to your internal linking.

Using variations of the same keyword as anchor text:

It may very well be true that your product or service has many keywords associated with it that are equally relevant and appropriate in terms of usage on your website; using all those keywords as interlink anchor texts will help ensure that Google understands their relevance in the context of your site.

Using unique and relevant keywords: 

You should avoid using the same keyword in all your internal links. Using individual words in your internal links will help signal to Google that multiple pages on your site are discussing the same topic. This signal to Google will lead to an increase in relevance over time.

Redirecting users from dark pages: 

Suppose a visitor came to your site via an external link but wanted to find more information about what you had to offer. In that case, you should redirect them away from those external sites and onto the pages of your site that are most pertinent. This is helpful because it makes them feel like they are being taken care of and that you have met their needs.

Relating pages: 

This brings us back to the idea of interlinking. You can also relate your pages so that they are more pertinent to each other by using similar keywords and phrases in the <h1> (the most significant text on the page) of each page and the link text.


As previously mentioned, internal linking is a powerful strategy for improving your search engine visibility, ultimately helping you to improve your overall website optimization. It’s important to understand that the greater your investment in internal linking, the longer it will take to see results from this type of link building; however, if you are willing to wait and see how this type of link building can help in terms of SEO value over time, you’ll be more than pleased with the results.

You can take advantage of all internal linking offers by implementing the above mentioned techniques in your website design and development process. With increased visibility comes increased revenue—which we’re all looking for in our business ventures.

How To Make Money With Shopify?

March 15th, 2022

Shopify – An easy to use E-commerce platform

Shopify is one of the largest and most popular e-commerce platforms with almost 1 million stores. Store owners of e-commerce platforms have high growth and massive revenue generation opportunity as owners these days are shifting towards online shopping. Sellers find the most effective method to sell their products and services on the online platform and gradually build their online reputation and thus skyrocket their sales. But the question that arises here is is it that simple to make money from Shopify? Well, the answer is yes as Shopify is one of the most easy-to-use platforms for both retailers and buyers. The best thing about it is that the sellers required the least effort to put in to start with their online business and Shopify Website Design is always considered to be a secure website. Let’s dive in deep on how you can make money with Shopify.

Things to consider before starting a business on Shopify

  • Make a business plan
  • Validate your business idea before any investment
  • Decide your e-commerce niche and target audience
  • Define your digital channels to promote your products and services
  • Plan your SEO strategies

How to make money with Shopify?

Here are some proven ways by which you can make money on Shopify and grow your business faster.

Start your E-commerce store –

If you are wondering how to start making money on Shopify, then start with your e-commerce store as it is one of the easiest platforms to set up your store without any hassle. There are different options that you can use choose to sell your products online such as handmade goods, smartphone accessories, car or bike accessories, furniture, etc. Shopify is an ideal e-commerce platform as customers can simply choose and add their products into the cart and purchase them with an easy checkout process. Moreover, you can also choose strategies to sell your product such as writing a blog post that has information about the products that you are selling so that you can bring more organic traffic to your site. You can also use Shopify apps to boost your sales and all you need to do is to find a best upsell app for your Shopify store and generate more revenue by upselling your products.

Become an affiliate marketer –

You can also choose affiliate marketing and join the Shopify affiliate marketing program. This program involves influencers, creators, educators, or individuals who mainly inspire the audience and make them buy your Shopify products or inspire them to start their entrepreneurship with Shopify. Like other affiliate marketing channels, this also works with commissions. You will receive a commission when any of your audience registers under a paid Shopify business plan. You can also use email marketing to strengthen your affiliate campaigns.

Start your clothing and accessory store –

Making money with Shopify is easier nowadays as the process involved in designing, manufacturing, and shipping printed clothes has become simpler than ever. You can enter into a clothing line in Shopify by creating your clothing and accessory designs with the help of apps like Printful where you can connect your Shopify store with the app, select the goods where you want to apply your designs, and then upload your designs. Here, you also don’t have to worry about the shipping as the app helps print and ship the product to customers themselves. Doesn’t that sound profitable?

Start your grocery store –

Another way of earning money with Shopify is to start an online grocery store. It is easy to sell your products locally with your website. Search engines like Google allow local stores to increase their visibility on the online platform by showing them on the Google maps, the hours of its operation, or information on snippets. This brings extra traffic to your site and thus increases your sales of grocery products.

Build a dropshipping business –

E-commerce and Shopify merchants make a lot of money with dropshipping. It is a popular business model where business owners outsource the products and sell them to your website. All you need to find is suppliers whose products are similar to your niche. The following steps are involved in dropshipping –

Step – 1: Customers place orders from your store

Step – 2: Your Shopify store sends all your order information to your dropshipping supplier

Step – 3: Dropshipping supplier performs the process of packaging and labeling if required

Step – 4: Dropshipping supplier delivers the order directly to the customer

Market your niche product –

Shopify is a platform that comes with various advantages apart from selling products. All you need to know is how to market your niche product to your target audience. This way you will get more knowledge about customers and the way to address them. A target audience is enough for you to market your product rather than a diverse group.

Monetize through your social media platforms –

It is more like an affiliate program where you earn revenue from your social media following. Shopify’s starting plan also focuses on social selling by which you add buy now links to your Instagram and Facebook accounts. You can generate an extra income from your social media campaigns and get an opportunity to make extra money with Shopify.


Now that we have conveyed to you a proper message on how to make money with Shopify using these methods, hopefully, now you are inspired to start your own Shopify journey. Clap Creative is a web development company that came to the conclusion that Shopify Development Company is the simplest e-commerce platform in terms of scalability and usability.

Improve Ecommerce Customer Experience in 2022

March 11th, 2022

Whenever you go to your favorite retail store for shopping, you usually meet with a friendly salesperson that will help you choose the best products available as per your requirement. They also consider budgets and solve all your queries that you might face during your purchase process. In the end, you purchase a product and leave the store happily. This way you have a great offline customer experience. Let us discuss what is E-commerce customer experience.

What Do You Mean By Customer Experience?

Customer experience is a method by which a brand tries to communicate with its customers at each step during the buyer’s journey. As eCommerce store shopping is growing day by day, eCommerce stores need to find new methods so that buyers can visit and interact with their site and purchase the product.

Ecommerce customer experience refers to the digital experience of the overall sum of thoughts, engagement, or feeling that is experienced by customers from your brand. The goal here is to inspire, optimize and guide customers during the process of purchasing products and services.

How to Improve E-commerce Customer Experience?

Here’s a list of 8 ways to improve the E-commerce customer experience in 2022 –

Make a user-friendly website –

Customers always search for easy-to-navigate pages that enable them to browse through your products and services to find what they actually need. Categories in online stores should be organized just like the physical store. The search button should be easily identified and every product should be categorized and tagged in the backend. A user-friendly website has five aspects: efficiency, learnability, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. A user-friendly website is a part of an E-commerce web design that helps bring more visitors to your site and thus leads to more conversions.

Create a seamless checkout process –

It reduces the number of abandoned carts by customers. The shopping cart in your eCommerce site should be clearly visible on every page and payments should be safe and secure. You should also include different payment methods as customers always look for their preferred payment options to purchase a product. If you have a high abandoned cart rate, then quickly check for the issue on your website.

Personalize the experience of customers –

Personalization is a key element in providing a great customer experience through your eCommerce site. Use real-time information such as product browsing history and location to provide offers and recommendations through email and messages to each customer.

Provide online product support –

If customers purchase your product online, then they also want online customer support. For this, you can use multiple channels to provide support services like product support pages, live chats, forums, customer support outsourcing, etc so that your customers can get the answer to their questions easily. If you use just one or two mediums to communicate then your customers might not get answered quickly and then they may even search for other easy-to-understand sites.

Create compelling product pages –

A compelling product page should contain captivating visuals, descriptive copy, and clear navigation. On the product page, always include an image of a product, value proposition, product description, and pricing so that customers should be able to get an idea and know exactly how a particular product will help them. You should also include a copy of your product pages and reviews section to show its validity.

Check for mobile optimization –

Customers these days search more on mobile or any other hand-held devices. Thus, your E-commerce website should be completely mobile optimized and user friendly so that visitors will come to your site from time to time. You will always get a reward from a well-designed and visually appealing site.

Use compelling and educational content on your site –

Content is a resource that is used by the audience to continue to get advice on a specific topic. Content acts as a customer acquisition tool to build and grow your audience. If you want to provide value to a user’s life, then you should create trustable content so that users keep coming back to your site.

 Follow-up and customer reviews –

 After a purchase has been made by customers, you should always follow up with them just to make sure that everything went smoothly. You should also keep them updated by providing offerings and discounts or informing them about the arrival of a new product.

There should always be a review section on your website where customers can give ratings and reviews on their purchased product.


The cutthroat competition has saturated the pricing of products and their features in almost every organization. Customers now just no longer satisfied with excellent product offerings but they always look for the best e-commerce site so that they may have a great purchase experience. Clap Creative is a well-renowned company that provides the best E-commerce web development service. We create a unique and appealing E-commerce site for our clients so that customers get complete satisfaction from their offerings. Our services will set you apart from the rest of your competitors.